Is TB source available for the above. The routines are used in the hash table ensemble.
The designers of Ada 95 were unsteeped in TB. Hence the Reference Manual for Ada 95 (RM95) has passing examples invoking hash as a searched word, but which imply over complexity in contrast to the beautiful disclosure of the TB hash table ensemble.
To put things into historical perspective, I use the word unsteeped to mean computer science practitioners or instructors (not professional pure educators) who reject TB, often solely on the basis of the word BASIC as the programmers' perjorative. (This error of omission is in the SW Sebesta (2012) 800-page opus brick about computer programming languages to rewrite the history of BASIC by selective exclusions). CFL means C as a first language to refer to C programmers as the unsteeped. ASL means Ada as a second language to spoof ESL in honor of the unsteeped learning C first, then Ada. (This ultimately resulted in the Government's Ada mandate being sabotaged.) Those CFL with ASL invoke the RM95 as the omnipotent spiggot for Ada 95. Despite its expository enormities, RM95 remains an academic example of standardized computer science writing by contract programmers.