This isn't a "bug" in TB, but I don't see anywhere else to post this.
It's an "annoyance" about the forum format.
Is there any way to change the background color from "Black"?
Or, if not, would it be possible to change the way values are shown in DARK BLUE which is difficult to read on a Black background when one tries to post code?
Finally, could you specify the exact procedure one has to follow on this forum to get structured code to post correctly?
Down at the bottom of the forum page it shows "</>", whose tip says "post code".
option nolet
FOR i=1 to 3
print i
Then the code, plus indentation, goes between the ""'s? Is that it? NO, tried that; doesn't work.
A "
" before each line?
option nolet
FOR i=1 to 3
print i
NOPE: not that either. How is this supposed to work?
Someone posted "put 3 ticks, then an empty line, then the code. " So here goes:
option nolet
FOR i=1 to 3
print i
OK, that does put the indents, but how does one TURN IT OFF?
After experimenting, it seems one must ADD ANOTHER LINE WITH 3 MORE "`"'s.
SO, the instructions would simply be:
- Put 3 "`"'s on an empty line,
- then add another empty line,
- Then type in the structured code, with all its indents;
- Then after the code entry, add one more empty line with 3 "`"'s in it.
- Then resume posting normal text.
Maybe I missed reading about this, but I can't find any evidence of it having been formally presented before.
And, also, any word on the posts from the OLD forum ever coming back?
Mike c.